Optimize Landlord Insurance Policies Across Your Portfolio with Azibo

Looking to organize landlord insurance policies across your portfolio? Here are a few ways Azibo can help you better manage your rental property insurance, with high-level insights into your portfolio, quick access to competitive quotes, and support finding the right coverage.

Last Updated
February 22, 2022
Optimize Landlord Insurance Policies Across Your Portfolio with Azibo

As many landlords know all too well, managing insurance policies across a large portfolio can be cumbersome and time-consuming. From trying to locate an existing insurance policy to figuring out when your insurance policy is expiring, there are many tedious tasks associated with the policy management process — and landlords already have enough on their plate. 

As a result, many landlords don’t actively check to see if they’re getting the right coverage for the right price. Instead, they let their landlord insurance policies auto-renew without learning about opportunities for better coverage. 

Fortunately, that doesn’t have to be the case anymore. Designed to make your life easier, Azibo’s new landlord insurance policy management center helps landlords organize policies, gain a high-level coverage overview, and ensure they’re getting the most competitive rates across their entire portfolio. Here’s how. 

What does Azibo’s landlord insurance platform do?

In Azibo’s existing insurance center, landlords are already familiar with the “Quotes” section, which allows them to request insurance quotes for different properties and manage these requests in one central hub. 

Now, Azibo has introduced a new tab, to the left of Quotes, titled “Policies.” Here, landlords can easily add multiple insurance policies for their different rental properties to get a snapshot of what their coverage includes, expiration dates, renewals, and more. 

This is particularly helpful for landlords who are managing multiple rental properties. If you have twelve rental properties and ten of them are insured, that means you have to keep track of ten different policies — and doing so on your own is easier said than done. 

With Azibo, landlords simply upload a PDF of their policies and the platform then auto-fills all relevant details about the policy, including the carrier, policy type, dates active, liability coverage, deductibles, and more. Landlords can upload multiple documents that pertain to the policy, including a declaration page or other relevant materials. Landlords also have the option to manually enter these details into the platform, if they prefer. 

After the documents have been uploaded, landlords can expect the processing period to be completed in 1-2 business days. After that, policy information will be available in the landlord insurance policy center. 

Equipped with this high-level overview of policies, you’re better positioned to analyze your coverage or make adjustments to existing insurance plans. If a policy is about to expire, for example, you can easily initiate a new quote within the platform. 

How can Azibo insurance agents help you analyze existing insurance policies?

While this tool makes it easier for landlords to analyze their policies on their own, a little help still goes a long way. To that end, the platform allows landlords to partner with Azibo’s trusted insurance agents to find the best coverage across their portfolio. 

Once a policy has been uploaded or manually entered, Azibo provides step-by-step instructions on how to initiate the process of Azibo analyzing the policy. The option to “analyze my policies” is automatically turned on for all users, but they can opt to turn it off at any time.

If you choose to seek help from Azibo’s insurance agents, they’ll analyze the data you uploaded, parse through the details, and then ensure all relevant information is available in the policy center. From there, they can search against the same properties with that policy to find out if there’s better coverage available at a more competitive rate. If there is, landlords can initiate the process of beginning a new policy. 

Why leverage Azibo insurance policy management for your rental portfolio?

Between maintenance repairs, showings, screenings, and rent collection, landlords already have enough responsibilities on their plate to protect their rental properties. By partnering with Azibo, landlords have one less thing to worry about — maintaining a high-level overview of insurance policies in one central location.

Not only does this guarantee better organization, but it also helps you stay attentive to when policies are close to expiring. What’s more, this platform offers built-in support from Azibo’s insurance team so you can analyze your existing policies to see if there are opportunities to save money and find better coverage. 

Azibo’s insurance center also seamlessly integrates with your rent collection property portfolio and insurance policies, so everything is easily managed in one secure place. 

To learn more about how Azibo’s landlord insurance policy platform works, reach out to our team of trusted advisors. 

Get organized and optimize your landlord insurance policy management by partnering with Azibo.

Request your free quote today

Important Note: This post is for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be taken as legal, accounting, or tax advice, nor should it be used as a substitute for such services. Always consult your own legal, accounting, or tax counsel before taking any action based on this information.

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