REtipster's Seth Williams on Getting Started in Real Estate Investing

Seth Williams, founder of the REtipster community, shares what it takes to become a successful real estate investor.

Last Updated
March 2, 2023
REtipster's Seth Williams on Getting Started in Real Estate Investing

Seth Williams is a professional real estate investor and the founder of REtipster — a real estate investing community that teaches self-motivated people how to make great money from real estate while minimizing risk.

We asked Seth a few questions about what it took to become a successful real estate entrepreneur and what advice he would give to others in the field. 

What’s your backstory? How did you get into this field of work?

I started land investing as a side hustle in early 2009 and it turned out to be a surprisingly good money-making venture. As the years went by, it morphed into a thriving enterprise. In 2012, I decided to start telling the world about what I knew on a blog at That also turned out to be a surprisingly fun and invigorating business, and both businesses are still part of my life today.

What is your favorite part about what you do?

I love finding solutions to difficult problems and explaining them in a way that is simple and easy to understand. I also love hearing from people who have been able to take this information and change their lives with it. It’s one of the most rewarding careers I could hope for.

What is a common myth about real estate investing?

That it’s difficult to find amazing real estate deals. The truth is, it’s only difficult if you’re looking where everyone else is looking. When you know how to search in the often-overlooked places, you will learn that there is a never-ending source of deals and free equity to be found.

What do you wish you had known when you started?

I wish I had started getting help sooner, instead of trying to manage everything myself. When I finally started leveraging other people, it unlocked a lot of hidden potential that allowed me to get much further, much faster.

What is the most crucial trait a real estate investor must have?

The ability to make data-driven decisions instead of emotion-driven decisions.

What are some mistakes real estate investors make?

The biggest mistake is getting started without the support of your family or spouse (or whoever the most important people in your life are). These people often know things about us that we can’t see ourselves. They can see our blind spots better than we can. If they aren’t buying into the idea of real estate investing, it’s important to figure out why and resolve it before getting too far down the path.

What do you think the real estate industry will look like in five years?

Like many other industries, I think AI will play a gigantic role in real estate that it doesn’t yet play today.

What advice would you give to new real estate investors?

Get started. Go after some smaller deals and start making mistakes now, before the deals get bigger and the mistakes get more expensive.

Can you share your top three book recommendations for our audience?

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

Where can our audience find you online? or search for “REtipster” on YouTube or any social media platform 

Is there anything else you want to tell our audience?

If you want to learn about the business that changed my life forever, be sure to check out this guide on land-flipping: Land Investing 101 (Beginners Guide): Learn the Land Flipping Business Model in 20 Minutes.

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Important Note: This post is for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be taken as legal, accounting, or tax advice, nor should it be used as a substitute for such services. Always consult your own legal, accounting, or tax counsel before taking any action based on this information.

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