Short-Term Rentals in New York City: What You Need to Know in 2023

Explore the changing face of short-term rentals in New York City: Unpacking regulations, challenges, and adaptations in the landscape.

Gemma Smith
Last Updated
October 12, 2023
Short-Term Rentals in New York City: What You Need to Know in 2023

As the bustling city that never sleeps, New York City is known for its thriving tourism industry. However, with ever-changing regulations surrounding short-term rentals, platforms like Airbnb are navigating a complex landscape to ensure they stay compliant.

In this article, we'll explore the impact of NYC's short-term rental regulations, including Local Law 18, look at the challenges faced by all parties involved, and discuss the potential future of short-term rentals in the Big Apple.

Understanding the influence of platforms like Airbnb on NYC's short-term rental landscape

The short-term rental market in New York City is heavily shaped by platforms such as Airbnb, alongside the stringent regulatory framework -- most notably, Local Law 18. This law, passed in February 2022, prohibits the short-term rental of entire apartments for durations less than 30 days unless the host shares the unit with a maximum of two guests.

Regulations on short-term housing have posed operational challenges for platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo, and For instance, as of September 5th, 2023, hosts are now required to register their units with the Office of Special Enforcement (OSE) using New York City’s short-term rental registration portal, leading to a noticeable reduction in available listings. Non-compliance with Local Law 18 renders unregistered rentals illegal, severely limiting the options on these platforms.

Navigating Local Law 18

Local Law 18 is a longstanding regulation in New York City that requires property registration, fee payment, and adherence to guest limits and host presence requirements to avoid penalties.

Registration requirements and fees

Compliance with Local Law 18 entails hosts registering their short-term rentals with the OSE, providing personal and unit details, and paying a non-refundable fee of $145.

Certain types of dwellings are exempt from the registration requirement. Examples include short-term rental listings for units in Class B, dwellings approved by the City of New York for legal short-term stays, and rentals for durations of 30 or more consecutive days.

Guest limits and host presence

Local Law 18 has significant implications for privacy and security, as it restricts the number of guests, requires hosts to be physically present during the rental period, and forbids locked internal doors in short-term rentals. Hosts must be on-site while their properties are being rented, and they are obliged to keep interior doors unlocked, granting occupants access to the entire unit.

In summary, Local Law 18 affects hosts and visitors, with hosts needing to adhere to strict regulations to operate legally and visitors experiencing a different level of privacy and security compared to traditional short-term rentals.

The impact of regulations on short-term rental supply

The recent regulatory changes have left a profound mark on the landscape of short-term rentals in New York City, leading to several significant developments:

Disappearing listings

This new regulatory framework has triggered the removal or blocking of many short-term rental listings from platforms like Airbnb. It is estimated that over 10,000 Airbnb listings for NYC short-term rentals will be affected by these new rules.

Consequently, hosts relying on these platforms for income may need to reevaluate their business strategies. Meanwhile, tourists seeking affordable lodging may encounter fewer choices, impacting their travel plans.

Navigational challenges

Hosts, along with the platforms they operate on, have confronted formidable challenges in adapting to the intricacies of the new regulations. Compliance has proven complex and demanding, necessitating a careful understanding of the evolving legal landscape.

Elevated host responsibilities

Hosts are now entrusted with adhering to a comprehensive set of requirements. These measures serve the dual purpose of ensuring the safety and legality of short-term rentals in the city while also striking a balance between the interests of hosts, guests, and the broader community.

Long-term rental market response

As regulatory changes limit short-term rental options, the long-term rental market may experience an upsurge in demand. This shift could lead to more stable tenant housing options and a steady income source for landlords. Furthermore, it may result in more cost-effective housing alternatives for renters in a city known for its high cost of living.

These combined effects underscore the transformative impact of these new regulations on the dynamics of the short-term rental market in New York City.

The future of short-term rentals in NYC: Opportunities and threats

As the hotel industry adapts and responds to the city’s evolving short-term rental market, it’ll likely be presented with both opportunities and threats. A decrease in short-term rental supply might lead to increased demand for hotels, potentially resulting in higher prices and fewer choices for tourists.

At the same time, the short-term rental market will likely innovate in response to regulations, finding new ways to provide affordable and flexible lodging options through short-term rental platforms.

The hotel industry’s response

A decrease in short-term rental supply might lead to increased demand for hotels, potentially resulting in higher prices and fewer choices for tourists. With an average occupancy rate of 85 percent throughout the year, the hotel industry remains competitive in New York City.

However, the potential increase in demand for hotel rooms could further drive up prices, making it even more challenging for tourists to find affordable lodging options due to fewer accommodations, ultimately affecting tourism dollars and the overall tourism economy.

Innovation and adaptation

In response to regulations, the short-term rental market could innovate and adapt to find novel, affordable, and flexible accommodation options. One such opportunity lies in catering to the rise in remote work, offering short-term rental options tailored to the needs of remote workers, such as flexible leases and work-friendly spaces.

Short-term hosts could also explore climate innovation pilots, such as green building standards, energy efficiency upgrades, and renewable energy sources.

Final thoughts: Is Airbnb legal in NYC?

The ever-changing landscape of short-term rental regulations in New York City presents challenges and opportunities for hosts, guests, and rental platforms alike. While implementing Local Law 18 has decreased rental supply and increased demand for hotel rooms, innovation and adaptation in the market may offer new solutions for affordable and flexible lodging options.

As the city continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how the short-term rental market will navigate the complex regulatory environment and shape the future of accommodation in the city that never sleeps.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does New York City allow short-term rentals?

New York City only allows short-term rentals if hosts register with the city and are physically present during the rental. Airbnb is only allowed to process rentals for registered hosts.

What are the new restrictions for Airbnb in NYC?

New restrictions for Airbnb in NYC include barring more than two guests at a time and requiring hosts to register before processing rentals.

What are the requirements for hosts under Local Law 18?

Under Local Law 18, hosts must register their rental, provide personal and unit information, and pay a non-refundable fee to comply.

How might the short-term rental market innovate in response to regulations?

The short-term rental market could innovate in response to regulations by offering flexible rental options and exploring climate innovation pilots like green building standards and energy efficiency upgrades.

Important Note: This post is for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be taken as legal, accounting, or tax advice, nor should it be used as a substitute for such services. Always consult your own legal, accounting, or tax counsel before taking any action based on this information.

Gemma Smith

With 7 years in property management, Gemma serves as a key content strategist at While excelling in writing, editing, and SEO, she also enhances Azibo's social media presence. Passionately, Gemma educates others to make informed real estate investment decisions in the ever-changing market.

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