How to Write an Eviction Notice Without Lease Terms in Place

If you need to remove a tenant from your property but don't have a written lease, this article provides a step-by-step guide to legally evicting them. Following these guidelines will help you handle the process correctly and avoid potential legal issues.

Nichole Stohler
Last Updated
March 13, 2024
How to Write an Eviction Notice Without Lease Terms in Place

Managing the landlord-tenant relationship can be challenging, especially when there's no signed lease in place. While a comprehensive written lease provides clear guidelines and expectations for both parties, its absence doesn't necessarily mean you're powerless as a property owner.

To remove someone legally and effectively, you must proceed cautiously and adhere to certain rules and procedures. Correct eviction procedures protect your homeowner's rights and avoid potential legal consequences.

Improperly removing an occupant without a lease can result in legal repercussions, including lawsuits, fines, or criminal charges. To protect yourself, you must understand the legal requirements and follow the correct steps to evict a tenant without a formal lease or rental agreement.

What is an eviction notice without a lease or rental agreement?

An eviction notice without a lease or rental agreement is a document from the landlord informing the tenant that they must vacate the rental property by a specific date, officially starting the eviction process in the absence of a written contract.

Even without a formal lease, the property owner must provide the tenant with sufficient notice before attempting to remove them. This notice gives the residents time to address the issue leading to the eviction or prepare to move out.

Can a landlord evict a tenant when there is no lease agreement?

Yes, removing a tenant is possible even if there's no documented agreement. However, the process for formal eviction is complex and heavily regulated.

You can typically lawfully remove tenants for reasons like:

Removing a tenant in cases where no lease exists

While the specific steps and requirements may differ depending on your state or locality, the general step-by-step process for evicting a tenant without a lease typically involves the following:

1. Send a notice to quit

This is a written notice informing the renter that they must vacate the rental unit by a specified date. The notice period required can range from a few days to several months, depending on your location and the reason for the eviction. Follow the proper procedures for providing notice, such as delivering it in person or using certified mail.

2. File for an eviction hearing

If the tenant fails to leave by the date specified in the notice to quit, you'll need to file for an eviction hearing with the appropriate court in your area. This process typically involves submitting the necessary paperwork, such as a complaint or petition, and paying the required filing fees.

In your filing, you must provide:

  • Evidence of the tenancy.
  • The reason for the eviction.
  • Proof that you properly served the notice to quit.

3. Attend the eviction hearing

At the eviction hearing, you'll present your case for eviction, and the occupant will have an opportunity to respond and present their defense. The judge will then decide whether the eviction is warranted based on the evidence presented by both parties.

During the hearing, you'll need to provide clear and convincing evidence to support your case, such as documentation of unpaid rent, proof of property damage, or evidence of illegal activities on the premises. The tenant may also present their side of the story and any mitigating circumstances.

4. Authority eviction

If the court rules in your favor and the tenant refuses to leave, you'll receive a writ of possession. This court order allows law enforcement authorities, such as the sheriff's department or a constable, to remove the resident from the property. In most cases, you cannot legally remove the renter yourself or change the locks without this order.

Reasons you might have a tenant without a lease

There are several reasons why you might find yourself with a renter occupying your property without a formal lease agreement:

Inherited tenants

If you purchased a property with an existing renter, you might have inherited that tenancy without a formal lease in place. In this case, the tenancy usually continues under the same terms that the previous owner established, even without a rental agreement, unless you and the resident decide to enter into a new lease.


In some cases, individuals may illegally occupy a property without the owner's permission, becoming squatters. This can happen if a residence is left vacant for an extended period or if someone takes up residence without the owner's knowledge or consent. Squatters can establish certain rights over time, making the eviction procedure more complicated.

Tenant-at-will situation

A tenancy-at-will is a month-to-month rental arrangement that can occur when you make a verbal or written agreement. In these situations, either the landlord or the renter can terminate the tenancy with appropriate notice.

Other reasons

Verbal agreements, subletting situations, or informal arrangements between friends or family members can also lead to tenancies without a documented lease. While these arrangements may start with good intentions, they can quickly become problematic if conflicts emerge or either party decides to terminate the arrangement.

Evicting someone from your home without a lease

In some cases, you may need to evict someone from your primary residence, such as a family member, a former roommate, or a guest overstaying their welcome. The protocol for evicting someone from your house with no lease can be slightly different than evicting a tenant from a rental property.

Procedures for evicting from a primary residence

In many states, evicting someone from your primary residence is considered a "self-help" eviction, which means you don't need to go through the formal court process. However, you still need to provide proper notice and follow guidelines to avoid potential legal issues.

The notice period required for a self-help eviction may be shorter than a traditional one, but be sure to check your local laws and regulations. In some cases, you may need to involve law enforcement or obtain a court order, even for a self-help eviction.

Handling difficult situations

Evicting squatters or guests who refuse to leave can be difficult, especially if they have established residency or claim tenancy rights. In these situations, consult with a legal professional to make sure that you're following the correct procedures and avoiding any potential liability.

Attempting to forcibly remove someone from your property without following the right legal channels can lead to criminal charges, such as trespassing or unlawful eviction. It's always better to be careful and ask experts for help when dealing with complex or potentially volatile situations.

Tenants' rights and responsibilities in the absence of a lease

Even without a lease agreement, the landlord must respect the rights and responsibilities of the tenant:

1. Fair housing laws

Landlords must follow fair housing laws and not discriminate against renters for reasons such as race, religion, national origin, disability, or familial status. These laws apply regardless of whether a written contract is in place.

2. Required notice periods

Renters are entitled to a specific notice period before being required to vacate the rental unit, even with a lack of a lease. The length of the notice period can vary depending on your state or locality, as well as the reason for the eviction.

For example, some states may require a 30-day notice for a month-to-month tenancy, while others may only require a shorter notice period, such as 7 or 14 days, for non-payment of rent or other lease violations.

3. Rent obligations

Tenants are still responsible for paying rent, even if there's no written tenancy agreement. A verbal agreement or the prevailing market rates in the area may determine the rent amount and payment schedule. If the occupant fails to pay rent, homeowners have grounds for eviction.

4. Habitability requirements

Landlords must maintain the rental property in a habitable condition. This means ensuring that the property meets basic health and safety standards, including providing essential services such as hot and cold running water, heat, and electricity. Landlords are also responsible for addressing any major repair issues.

Failure to meet these habitability requirements can provide grounds for the occupant to withhold rent or terminate the tenancy without a rental contract. In some cases, occupants may also have the right to make necessary repairs and deduct the cost from their rent if the landlord fails to address habitability issues promptly.

Avoiding future complications

To prevent future situations where you find yourself dealing with a tenant without a lease, consider taking proactive steps to protect your interests as a landlord:

Always use written leases

It's best to have a comprehensive written lease agreement with any new renter. This document should clearly outline the tenancy terms, including rent amounts, duration, rules, and responsibilities for both parties.

A well-drafted lease can help prevent misunderstandings and provide a solid legal foundation for addressing any issues arising during the tenancy. It can also simplify the eviction procedure if needed, because you have a defined set of terms and conditions for both parties to reference.

Screen tenants thoroughly

Conducting thorough background checks and tenant screenings can help you identify potential risks and confirm you're renting to responsible individuals who can uphold their end of the agreement.

This may include checking tenant and roommates credit reports, employment history, previous landlord references, and criminal background checks. While no screening process is foolproof, it can help minimize the likelihood of ending up in a problematic tenancy situation with no lease.

Maintain open communication

Establishing clear communication with your renters can help prevent misunderstandings and resolve problems before they escalate to the point of eviction. Regular check-ins, prompt responses to maintenance requests, and open communication can help improve the relationship between landlord and occupant.

Document everything

Keep records of all the interactions, agreements, and incidents involving your tenants. This includes copies of any written communication, notes from in-person conversations, rent payment records, and documentation of any property damage or lease violations.

Consider using a property management company

If you find that managing rental properties and handling tenant issues are taking up too much of your time or becoming overly complicated, it might be worth looking into hiring a professional property management company.

A professional property management company can give you peace of mind by handling all landlord-tenant interactions and legal requirements correctly. Although this service comes with additional costs, it can be a worthwhile investment. Proper management reduces the risk of potential liabilities or legal issues that may arise when managing the property on your own.

Evicting someone without a lease

Sure, evicting a tenant isn't the most straightforward situation, but it doesn't have to be a nightmare. With a bit of know-how and the right approach, you can handle it like a pro.

The key is to educate yourself, pay attention to the details, and follow the proper procedures. Make sure you understand the eviction process inside and out, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Keep communication clear and document everything — it'll save you a ton of headaches down the line.

In the end, following the rules and treating your tenants fairly will help you successfully manage the eviction process. While it may require some effort, handling an eviction without a lease is achievable with the proper approach.

How to evict someone without a lease FAQs

Can a landlord evict tenants without a lease?

Yes, a landlord can evict tenants without a signed lease agreement but must follow local eviction laws, including providing proper notice.

Is there a way around an eviction?

Yes, negotiating with the landlord, paying overdue rent, or seeking legal advice can sometimes prevent eviction.

How do you write a letter asking someone to leave your house?

Start with a polite tone, clearly state the reason for asking them to leave, include a specific departure date, and mention any legal notices if applicable.

Important Note: This post is for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be taken as legal, accounting, or tax advice, nor should it be used as a substitute for such services. Always consult your own legal, accounting, or tax counsel before taking any action based on this information.

Nichole Stohler

Nichole co-founded Gateway Private Equity Group, with a history of investments in single-family and multi-family properties, and now a specialization in hotel real estate investments. She is also the creator of, a blog dedicated to real estate investing.

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