How to Find the Right Real Estate Investing Course: 12 Choices for Investors

This detailed guide covers the various types of real estate investing courses available, spanning basic investment analysis to specialized areas like fix-and-flips, rental property management, commercial real estate, and more. You'll discover what to look for in a course and the key topics necessary for mastering different real estate investment strategies.

Nichole Stohler
Last Updated
May 14, 2024
How to Find the Right Real Estate Investing Course: 12 Choices for Investors

Thinking about investing in real estate but not quite sure where to begin? Getting started can seem overwhelming, especially if you don't have a mentor to guide you. That's where real estate investing courses can help.

This article explores the different types of courses available to help you build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills for your real estate investing career. You'll find helpful ideas for a variety of topics, whether you're interested in flipping houses, being a landlord, wholesaling properties, or more advanced strategies like investing in commercial real estate.

The great thing about taking a course is that it provides structured learning from experienced real estate professionals who have been in the trenches. Instead of having to figure everything out through trial and error, you can gain an understanding of proven strategies, analysis techniques, legal considerations, and best practices.

With the right education under your belt, you'll be able to identify profitable opportunities, secure financing, and maximize your returns while minimizing risks. Let's explore the possibilities so you can decide on the best real estate investing course for you!

What to look for in a real estate investing course

Before you commit to any real estate investing courses, you'll want to make sure you're investing in a reputable and reliable training program. It's easy to get swept up by flashy promises of making millions in your first year, but be wary of these unrealistic claims. Instead, focus on solid, proven courses that deliver valuable knowledge and skills. Here are a few key aspects to consider before making your decision:

Instructor experience

First things first, make sure the instructor isn't just teaching theory but actually walks the walk. Look for someone who's flipped their fair share of homes or is the king or queen of rental properties. Longevity matters, too — you want someone who’s weathered the storms of market ups and downs and can offer valuable insights.

Choose a mentor with a track record of real-world success that has stories to show they can guide you effectively through your real estate investing career.

Course reviews and testimonials

Check out what former students are saying. Are they praising the course for its practicality and the real value it added to their real estate business, or are the reviews lacking and full of complaints about unmet expectations?

Good courses will have prior students eager to share their positive experiences. They'll talk about how the course helped them tackle real-world challenges and boosted their confidence and skills in the market.


Real estate investing is a broad category, encompassing everything from residential wholesaling to commercial real estate development. Make sure the course you choose focuses on the specific area of real estate you’re interested in. You want relevant content that you can directly apply to your real estate career.

Practical applications

Choose real estate investing courses that deliver practical advice and hands-on strategies you can actually use rather than just theoretical concepts. A course should go beyond just claiming you can buy properties for $20k and flip them; it needs to teach you a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Focus on courses that provide in-depth explanations and real-world tactics to equip you for practical application in the field.

Networking opportunities

Find out whether the course offers access to a community or network of other investors. Networking is a major benefit of real estate courses, allowing you to meet other real estate investors, share resources, discover opportunities, and potentially form partnerships. This connectivity can be incredibly valuable as you navigate and grow in the real estate industry.

Cost vs. benefit

Are the course fees worth it? Consider whether the content can truly enhance your ability to do more real estate transactions or make solid investment decisions. The goal is to make sure that the time and money you invest will pay off, bringing you success in your real estate investments.

Support and resources

Check if the course offers ongoing support or resources, such as tools, templates, or access to further learning materials. Will you get access to updated information as real estate markets change? Is there someone you can call when you have questions?

The best real estate investing courses stay current with the market trends and make sure you have access to assistance when needed.

Course format

Decide if the delivery method (online, live sessions, recorded content) fits your learning style and schedule. Does the course allow you to progress at your own pace or do you need to adhere to a strict timetable?

Be sure that the format of the course fits how you learn best and can adapt to your daily commitments.

12 types of real estate investment courses you should know about

Now that we've covered what to look for in a quality real estate investing course, let's look at the various classes and programs available to match your specific goals and interests.

1. Real estate investment analysis

Every successful real estate investor needs a strong foundation in analyzing deals and markets, which is why many investors start their educational journey with real estate market analysis courses. These teach the fundamentals of evaluating opportunities and making wise investment decisions. Core topics in an investment analysis class typically include:

  • Market analysis: Understanding local and national real estate markets, including demand, supply, and pricing trends.
  • Financial metrics: How to calculate and interpret key investment metrics such as cash flow, return on investment (ROI), cap rates, and net operating income (NOI).
  • Risk assessment: Identifying potential risks associated with real estate investments and learning strategies to mitigate them.
  • Property valuation: Techniques for appraising property values based on location, condition, and market trends.
  • Investment strategies: Exploring different real estate investment strategies like buy-and-hold, flipping, or wholesaling, and when to apply them.

Courses to check out:

  • Wharton & Wall Street Prep's Real Estate Investing Certificate: This program offers a deep dive into real estate investment analysis and financial modeling.
  • Fundamentals of Analyzing Real Estate Investments (Udemy): Led by a seasoned real estate consultant and broker, this course covers a broad spectrum of real estate investment areas, including rental income properties, multifamily apartments, and commercial properties.

2. Real estate finance

For investors looking to explore alternative financing methods and creative deal structuring, there are many courses that focus specifically on these topics. You'll gain information on how to leverage different techniques to fund deals or control properties without taking ownership outright.

An in-depth real estate financing course will typically cover topics such as:

  • Seller financing: Strategies for structuring deals where the seller provides financing directly to the buyer.
  • Lease options: Techniques for controlling a property through leases with options to buy.
  • Subject-to: Buying property subject to the existing mortgage where the buyer takes over the payments, but the original loan stays in the seller's name.

Courses to check out:

  • SubTo Real Estate Investing: Pace Morby founded this course, which provides in-depth education on subject-to, where properties are purchased subject to the existing mortgage.
  • How to Creatively Finance Your Next Real Estate Deal (Udemy): This course provides information on alternative financing options, including seller financing, lease options, and other creative methods.

3. Wholesaling

Wholesaling is a real estate investing strategy where you contract to buy properties and then sell those contracts to other investors before the deal closes. Essentially, you act as the middleman without ever actually owning the property. Courses in this niche should include content around the following topics:

  • Finding properties: Techniques for locating potential wholesale properties, such as direct mail campaigns, bandit signs, driving for dollars, and online platforms.
  • Evaluating deals: How to analyze the value of a property, estimate repair costs, and calculate potential profits to make sure the investment property is a good deal.
  • Building a buyers list: Strategies for cultivating a list of ready and willing real estate investors who can quickly purchase contracts.
  • Negotiation skills: Training on communication and negotiation tactics with both sellers and buyers.
  • Contracts and paperwork: Detailed guidance on the specific contracts required for wholesaling, understanding clauses, and verifying legally binding contracts.

Courses to check out:

  • Pro Wholesaler VIP Program by Real Estate Skills: This immersive program is for anyone looking to start or grow their real estate wholesaling business. Created by Alex Martinez, it provides comprehensive training modules, a mastermind community, and live Q&A coaching calls.
  • Property MOB: Founded by Tracy Caywood, this course provides a structured learning path with modules that include marketing automation, deal structuring, and negotiation.

4. Fix-and-flip

HGTV makes fixing and flipping houses look exciting. While it's not always as glamorous as portrayed on TV, it can indeed be a profitable investment strategy with the right knowledge and skillset. For those interested in this area, look for courses that cover key aspects such as:

  • Market analysis: Understanding which markets and neighborhoods are best for flipping.
  • Property selection: Identifying properties that offer the best potential for profit.
  • Budgeting: How to accurately estimate costs for purchase, renovation, holding, and selling.
  • Renovation management: Managing renovations effectively to stay on budget and on schedule.

Courses to check out:

  • Real Estate Investing: Learn to Fix & Flip, Step by Step (Udemy): For new investors, this course covers the entire flipping process, from property selection and renovation to marketing and selling.
  • Flipping: The Complete System to Flip Homes for Profit: From Icenhower Coaching, this course provides detailed, step-by-step instructions on flipping houses, from identifying profitable properties to executing renovations and closing sales.

5. Long-term rental investing

Buying a residential property and holding it as a long-term rental is a classic real estate investment strategy, but it requires more than just purchasing a property and waiting for the rent checks to roll in. Effective courses on this topic should teach you key aspects such as:

  • Property selection: How to choose properties with high rental demand and potential for appreciation.
  • Financial analysis: Calculating expected cash flow, understanding financing options, and assessing the overall financial viability of rental properties.
  • Tenant management: Effective techniques for finding and retaining reliable tenants, understanding lease agreements, and handling tenant issues.
  • Legal compliance: Knowledge of landlord-tenant laws, property standards, and other regulatory requirements.
  • Maintenance and upkeep: Strategies for maintaining property value through regular maintenance and responsive repairs.

Courses to check out:

  • Bigger Pockets real estate investing bootcamps: Bigger Pockets offers a range of bootcamps covering various aspects of buy-and-hold strategies. These boot camps are available in both self-study and interactive formats, providing a solid foundation for long-term rental property investing.
  • Coach Carson's Rental Property Mastery: For real estate investment in long-term rentals, this course includes personal and group coaching, structured learning, and a supportive community to ensure practical application and progress.
  • Local Real Estate Investment Association (REIA) Courses: Consider joining your local REIA to access specialized courses focused on rental property investing. These associations often provide a blend of networking events, local market insights, and affordable real estate investing classes to help members be successful.

6. Short-term rental investing

The rise in popularity of vacation rentals through platforms like Vrbo and Airbnb has opened new doors for real estate investors. Courses focused on this niche should provide comprehensive coverage of these areas:

  • Market analysis: How to identify profitable locations and what travelers look for in a vacation rental.
  • Regulatory environment: Understanding local laws and regulations related to short-term rentals, including zoning, licensing, and taxes.
  • Property management: Best practices for managing bookings, turnovers, and ongoing property maintenance.
  • Customer service: Techniques for providing top-notch guest experiences to secure positive reviews and repeat bookings.
  • Marketing strategies: Effective ways to list and promote properties on platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo to stand out in competitive markets.

Courses to check out:

  • Mastering Airbnb by Evan Kimbrell (Udemy): This course is for those looking to optimize their listings on Airbnb to achieve top search results, garner 5-star reviews, and become Superhosts.
  • Vacation Rental Secrets: Fully Booked Formula by Antonio Bortolotti: This course teaches real estate investors looking at short-term rentals how to increase their booking conversion rates and boost revenue.
  • Short Term Rental University (STRU) by Richard Fertig: STRU offers both a cohort-based and a self-paced online course focused on acquiring and managing short-term rental properties.

7. Multifamily commercial real estate investing

Many new investors are eager to dive into multifamily real estate, starting with smaller properties like fourplexes, often using a house-hacking strategy. As you transition to larger apartment complexes, relevant courses should provide insights on:

  • Funding strategies: How to secure financing for larger projects, including traditional mortgages, commercial loans, and alternative financing options like bridge loans.
  • Raising capital: Techniques for how to raise capital and manage investor relationships. This includes structuring investment deals, equity partnerships, and syndication.
  • Operational management: Insights into managing larger complexes, including staffing, operational efficiencies, and advanced property management software.

Courses to check out:

  • Jake and Gino's Multifamily Mastery: Jake and Gino offer a multifamily real estate investing course focused on both beginner and experienced investors looking to expand into multifamily units. Their course provides comprehensive education on finding, financing, and managing multifamily properties, with a strong emphasis on building a community and creating wealth through real estate.
  • Michael Blank's The Ultimate Guide to Buying Apartment Buildings with Private Money: This course is for experienced real estate investors who want to buy apartment buildings. It teaches strategies for finding off-market deals, raising private capital, and structuring investments to minimize risk and maximize returns.
  • Joe Fairless's Best Ever Apartment Syndication Program: Joe Fairless teaches investors how to syndicate apartment buildings. The course provides a detailed roadmap from acquiring properties to managing investor relations. Students learn key details of real estate syndication, including market analysis, financial modeling, and legal considerations.

8. Land real estate investing

Land investing is a great entry point for new investors, involving strategies like wholesaling, but with a unique twist — leveraging seller financing for resale. A real estate investing course tailored to this strategy should cover the following key topics:

  • Identifying opportunities: How to scout for undervalued or opportunistically-priced land, including the use of direct mailing, online platforms, and other outreach strategies.
  • Seller financing: How to structure deals using seller financing, including negotiating terms, understanding interest rates, and legal considerations.
  • Marketing and selling land: Strategies for effectively marketing land to potential buyers and investors, including online marketing, networking, and leveraging real estate platforms.

Courses to check out:

  • Jack Bosch's Land Profit Generator: Jack Bosch's course focuses on investing in land as a way to generate passive income with little capital upfront. The program covers comprehensive strategies for finding undervalued land, securing it at a low price, and selling it for a profit.
  • Land Geek: Courses from Land Geek cover buying and selling raw land to create passive income streams. Students learn strategies for land acquisition without bank financing, automating the sales process, and generating consistent cash flow.
  • RETipster's Land Investing Masterclass: RETipster provides an in-depth look into land investment, focusing on low-risk strategies and high returns. This course covers the basics of market research, due diligence, and efficient management. It also emphasizes using technology and internet marketing techniques to buy and sell land remotely, appealing to investors who prefer to operate their business anywhere.

9. Tax lien and deed investing

Tax lien and deed real estate investing can be a profitable way to earn through interest on liens or acquiring property titles. When property taxes go unpaid, local governments issue tax liens or sell tax deeds, allowing investors to purchase these at auction. Courses should cover topics such as:

  • Basics of tax liens and deeds: Understanding what tax liens and deeds are, how they work, and the differences between them.
  • Finding and assessing opportunities: Techniques for identifying promising tax lien or deed investments, including how to research properties and assess potential risks and rewards.
  • Bidding process and auctions: How to participate in tax lien or deed auctions, including preparation, bidding strategies, and common pitfalls to avoid.
  • Legal implications: Detail on the legal aspects of tax lien investments, including redemption periods and rights, and the financial considerations, such as calculating potential returns.
  • Post-auction processes: Managing the investments post-purchase, such as tracking payment deadlines, handling foreclosures, and potentially taking possession of the property.
  • State-specific regulations: Understanding the varying rules and procedures across different states, as tax lien and deed laws can significantly differ.

Courses to check out:

  • The US Tax Lien Association's Ultimate Tax Lien Bootcamp: This intensive bootcamp provides an in-depth exploration of tax lien investing, focusing on the necessary legalities, strategic bidding, and due diligence.
  • Ted Thomas's Tax Lien Certificate School: Ted Thomas's course delivers detailed instruction on investing in tax lien certificates and tax deeds, emphasizing legal considerations and profit maximization.

10. Property management

While much of real estate investing revolves around acquiring properties, some investors choose to branch into offering property management services as well. For those looking to start their own property management company or work in this field, specialized courses are available to help you gain the right knowledge and skills.

A comprehensive property management course should cover:

  • Property management overview: Understanding the roles and responsibilities of a property manager, types of properties (residential, commercial, industrial), and legal and ethical considerations.
  • Tenant management: How to handle areas like tenant screening and selection processes, lease agreements and contract negotiation, rent collection, tenant relations, and conflict resolution.
  • Property maintenance and repairs: Preventive maintenance and inspection procedures, coordinating repairs and renovations, managing contractors and service providers, emergency preparedness and response.
  • Financial management: Budgeting and financial reporting, rent roll and income management, expense tracking and cost control, and accounting and tax considerations.
  • Marketing and advertising: Market analysis and competition research, effective advertising and promotion strategies, leveraging online platforms and social media.
  • Risk management and compliance: Fair housing laws and regulations, property insurance and liability management, environmental and safety regulations, record-keeping and documentation.
  • Property management technology: Using property management software and digital tools, automating processes and streamlining operations, as well as data analysis and reporting capabilities.
  • Team management: Hiring, training, and managing staff, developing policies and procedures, effective communication and leadership skills, conflict resolution and team building.

Courses to check out:

  • NAA Certified Apartment Manager: The National Apartment Association provides this course for those looking to specialize in apartment management. It covers various topics, from marketing and property inspections to maintenance and accounting.
  • IREM Certified Property Manager: This comprehensive course by the Institute of Real Estate Management provides a deep dive into property management, enhancing skills across residential and commercial properties.
  • Penn Foster Property Management Certificate: Best for beginners, this course offers a solid foundation in property management, covering essential aspects such as tenant relations, property maintenance, and real estate law.

11. Realtor training

While you don't need to be an agent to invest in real estate, having your license can be beneficial. Real estate agents have the ability to immediately see when properties come on the market. Getting quick access to real estate deals can help you find and secure profitable investment opportunities before they're widely available.

Courses for real estate agents typically include:

  • Principles and practices: Fundamental concepts of real estate, including property rights, ownership types, land use, and the real estate transaction process.
  • Real estate law: Legal aspects of buying and selling real estate, including contracts, title issues, and compliance with local regulations.
  • Finance: Financing methods, mortgage lending practices, and investment analysis techniques.
  • Appraisals: Principles and techniques for valuing residential and commercial properties.
  • Marketing and advertising: Effective marketing strategies, advertising techniques, and best practices for promoting properties.
  • Ethics: Ethical considerations, fair housing laws, and professional conduct standards for real estate agents.
  • Property management: Fundamentals of managing and maintaining residential and commercial properties.
  • Exam preparation: Review and practice for the state-specific real estate licensing exam.

Courses to check out:

  • Keller Williams Real Estate Agent Professional Certificate (Coursera): This comprehensive program by Keller Williams on Coursera covers all aspects of becoming a real estate agent, including lead generation, customer relationship management, and business growth.
  • Real Estate Express (Colibri Group): Real Estate Express provides a structured pathway for aspiring real estate agents with courses that cover everything from pre-licensing to exam preparation and continuing education.
  • Aceable Agent: These courses provide engaging content that makes learning both effective and enjoyable. This platform is particularly good for those who prefer a dynamic and interactive approach to education.

12. Real estate investment trusts

Investing in real estate trusts is a passive strategy, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't learn how to evaluate the best options. Look for courses that cover:

  • Overview: Understanding the structure, types (equity, mortgage, hybrid), and benefits as an investment vehicle.
  • Taxation and regulations: Tax implications of investments, regulatory requirements, and compliance considerations.
  • Valuation and analysis: Techniques for analyzing and valuing, including financial ratios, net asset value (NAV), funds from operations (FFO), and cap rates.
  • Portfolio management: Strategies for building and managing a diversified portfolio, asset allocation, and risk management.
  • Specialized sectors: In-depth analysis of different REIT sectors, such as residential, retail, office, industrial, healthcare, and self-storage.
  • Performance metrics: Evaluating performance using metrics like dividend yield, dividend growth, total return, and correlation with other asset classes.
  • Market: Understanding the real estate capital markets, trends, and their impact on performance.

Courses to check out:

  • REIT Investment Fundamentals Course by Nareit: This online course offered by the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (Nareit) provides a comprehensive overview of REITs, covering investment fundamentals, types of REITs, portfolio management, and the regulatory environment.
  • The complete REIT investing course (Udemy): This course offers practical knowledge on how to invest in REITs, including analysis of their performance, understanding their structure, and strategies for portfolio diversification.

Finding the right course on real estate investing

Investing in real estate can be an incredibly rewarding path, both financially and personally. However, as with any major investment, having the proper knowledge and skills is key to success. Real estate investing can include a broad range of strategies and specialties, each with its own nuances and considerations.

Exploring the various real estate investing courses highlighted in this guide gives you the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals who have been through the industry's highs and lows. If you're drawn to the thrill of flipping houses, the stability of long-term rentals, or the potential of commercial real estate, you can find a course tailored to your specific goals and interests.

Real estate investing is not a one-size-fits-all business. The most successful investors are those who continuously educate themselves, stay up-to-date with market trends, and adapt their strategies as needed. Investing in quality education through courses can provide you with the tools and confidence you need to make smart decisions, reduce risks, and build a successful real estate portfolio.

Courses in real estate investing FAQs

Is being a real estate investor hard?

Yes, being a real estate investor can be challenging. It requires knowledge of the market, financial skills, and the ability to manage properties and tenants. Success also depends on strategic decision-making and a tolerance for risk.

How do I start investing in real estate with $5,000?

If you're looking to start investing in real estate with $5,000, consider options like joining a real estate investment group, participating in crowdfunding platforms, or investing in real estate investment trusts that allow smaller capital commitments. Each option offers a way to get involved in real estate with limited funds, providing exposure to the market without the risks and management responsibilities associated with direct property ownership.

What is the best entry-level investment for real estate?

The best entry-level real estate investment is often purchasing a single-family rental property. This approach offers a manageable way to understand property management, tenant interaction, and the financial details of real estate investing. 

Important Note: This post is for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be taken as legal, accounting, or tax advice, nor should it be used as a substitute for such services. Always consult your own legal, accounting, or tax counsel before taking any action based on this information.

Nichole Stohler

Nichole co-founded Gateway Private Equity Group, with a history of investments in single-family and multi-family properties, and now a specialization in hotel real estate investments. She is also the creator of, a blog dedicated to real estate investing.

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